我的总结是:小攻都是变态的,小受都是欠操的。作者: keishel 时间: 2006-11-26 18:29
谢谢LZ~~这首歌很好听...但是很短呐作者: rankin 时间: 2006-11-27 00:10
下不到的说~可不可以用其他方式。。。作者: maishijun 时间: 2006-11-29 13:49
Your IP address **.***.**.*** is already downloading some other file from this server. You have to wait until it is finished and after that you can download this file! Also, you can see this error if you working in some LAN and if you must share IP with other PC`s (somebody else in your LAN or wireless network downloading file from this server), in this case please wait few minutes and try again...Thanks.